Okay, so I'm about a week behind with my life right now. If this is TMI, I apologize, but it at least gives you an indication of what's going on "behind the scenes". Because the Army basically screwed up my jaw when they removed my wisdom teeth years and years ago, I had to get a tooth extraction and bone grafts, which happened in April (I think). Then the next step was a dental implant in July, which was not long after getting back in our home after the Waldo Canyon Fire, so I think I was stressed out, and I got a weird strep rash after the procedure. Now, if you don't know, strep after dental work is a bad thing, as it can get into your heart muscle super fast, and give you a major heart attack. So, when I couldn't sleep due to chest pain, I was freaking out. Then I got antibiotics and slowly felt better.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, and the site of my implant starts acting weird, getting sore and swollen, then going down and making me think it's fine, and then getting worse again. I'll spare you the truly disgusting details, but it was apparently infected. It didn't hurt much, just kind of sore and annoying, but it was really sapping my energy. I did manage to get one card done, a quick birthday card for my sweetie's teenage daughter. She likes Hot Topic, so I figured this would fit the genre. I felt so cruddy, it was hard to even get the card done, much less get a good shot of it, but I tried:

Trying to figure out the dental issue was compounded as my dentist was out of town til October 1st, but I finally managed to get some antibiotics by the 3rd. On the 4th, I went in and the dentist had to open it back up and scrape away some bad tissue (gross and ouch), and now we have to let it heal again. Bad timing on the slice & dice, because I was leaving for Parents' Weekend at the kids' college the next morning. To top it all off, our landlord finally decided to get his house painted this same week, so I was letting the painters in and out for the bathroom (so they wouldn't just pee in the bushes), and rounding up odds and ends they needed/wanted to make the job go more smoothly, for a couple days before my dental visit.
Long story short, I was lucky to have grabbed clean underwear for each day of the trip, much less gotten anything else done. I was so bummed, because I had visions of making a batch of my famously yummy chocolate chip cookies for the kids, and trying this new recipe for
Pumpkin & Cream Cheese Whoopie Pies, which I'm sure would have made my kids the most popular in their dorms! Oh well, time for the good ol' bake-then-freeze-and-mail trick.
Blake needed to do some computer work on the way there, and on the way back, so I got to drive most of those 12 hours. Then, we drove the kids around to a couple of places out of town, since they don't have cars and aren't as likely to get to see those sites. So, yesterday I was exhausted and really felt like I could hardly move. I think it was more than just the trip, because the dental stuff seemed to be flaring up with infection again. I finally got more antibiotics at the end of the day yesterday, and the doctor told me to take like 4 of them as soon as I got them, and it seems like things are better this morning--so far. But, that kind of gives you an explanation of why I sort of dropped off the map.
I hope to be able to pick back up with my
30-Day Gratitude Card Challenge tomorrow. Today is going to have to be dedicated to getting stuff put away and cleaned up from the trip, and getting caught up from the last week (plus) of (not-so-pleasant) distractions! Plus, I have some super cute baby shower stuff I need to finish up...but I can't share that with you until after Saturday. Thanks for hanging in there with me!!!
~Kimberley Morris
Stampin' Up! Independent Demonstrator since 1994
Colorado Springs, CO
http://kimberley.stampinup.net (